Journalist Andrea Topic was the target of attacks more than once because of her job. On one occasion, while she was investigating and photographing the property of the former Croatian Minister of Health, four men attacked her. They first threatened the journalist, and when she took refuge in the car, the men surrounded the car and continued to intimidate her by shouting, filming her, sitting on top of the car and shaking it.
After that incident, Andrea stopped reporting, because as she says, if you report assaults, you appear conflicted, it turns out that you have a problem and employers will not hire you because you are problematic, not because you are a woman and you go to the field, record things and then they attack you.
Novinarka Andrea Topić više je puta napadnuta dok je obavljala svoj posao. Jednom prilikom, dok je istraživala i fotografirala imanje tadašnjeg hrvatskog ministra zdravlja, napala su je četvorica muškaraca. Prvo su prijetili novinarki, a kada se sklonila u automobil, muškarci su okružili automobil i nastavili je zastrašivati vičući, snimajući je, sjedajući na automobil i tresući ga.
Nakon tog incidenta prestala je prijavljivati napade, jer kako kaže, ako prijaviš napade, ispadneš konfliktan, ispada da je u tebi problem i poslodavci te neće zaposliti jer si ti problematična, a ne zato što si žena i ideš na teren, snimaš stvari i onda te napadnu.